How long does shipping take?
We ship all orders within two business day. Occasionally (at busy times of the year or when we are running a sale for example) there might be a slight delay. You can find shipping guidelines below.

After dispatched :
UK – Next Business Day
Europe – 2-6 Days
USA/Canada – 2-8 Days

Gift wrapping and packaging
Each piece of Stone & Stone is beautifully wrapped and shipped in our branded and handmade wooden box, ready for gifting or keeping for yourself.

Care instructions
It’s always a good idea however to remove any jewellery before swimming and exercising and to avoid contact with chemicals and perfumes as much as possible.

Sizing details
We’ve size chart photos but the best way for measuring your finger size is a local jewellery shop

Wholesale availability
Absolutely – just send us a message and we’ll give you all the details on our wholesale opportunities