Stone & Stone, Inspired by Years of Rich Culture and History

We established Stone & Stone in the stunning city of York (formerly Jorvik), popularly known as the Viking capital of England. My wife and I have a passion for travelling, and over the years we have visited more than 300 different destinations. Although we have seen many amazing cities, we always found ourselves fascinated when we returned to York. This stunning city took us into its heart and wrapped us in its arms, and as time goes on, we have found there is always more to discover. Whether you are walking the streets of York or travelling through the surrounding countryside, you can get lost in time, and even find yourself traveling back into York’s vibrant Viking past. We have developed a deep appreciation for Viking and Norse cultures and how they have shaped this unique part of England, and we would like to share all its beauty with you…

The historic city of York is so charming that walking its streets, it can feel like you are wandering through an open-air museum. From the ancient walls of Roman York to the Viking remains of Jorvik and the grandeur of Georgian York, this extraordinary city serves as the main inspiration for all of Stone & Stone’s designs.

Handcrafted Jewellery Made Just for You

We have always been makers; it has been part of our lives as long as we can remember. But our greatest satisfaction comes from sharing our creations. Following our passion for jewellery and art, we began to create pieces that reflected the history and atmosphere of our city. Our standards of craftsmanship are the very highest; at Stone & Stone, all our pieces are made entirely by hand, and everything is made with passion.

We did not need to wait for inspiration – inspriation is all around us! This city is full of art, history and incredible stories, and we use symbols and materials, particularly silver, which is the great symbol of that era , to reflect this power. Precious metal comes with a Viking soul, a living history, that Stone & Stone bring into the modern world in our creations.

The business takes pride in incorporating many gothic elements into their creations, as well as Viking symbolism. From men’s silver pendants to one-of-a-kind rings, Stone & Stone has something for you.

Make sure to check out the latest wearable pieces and take your pick!

Service You Can Rely On

Rest assured that our customer service team will be more than happy to assist you before, during, and after the shopping process.

Our mission is, through our work, to make the past connect to the present in exquisite, hand-crafted items. Please contact us if you have any requests or if you wish to learn more.

Stone & Stone is all about creating sterling silver jewellery designed for stylish individuals who like what they wear to tell a story.